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Business Rates Evaluations

8th October, 2019

The Valuation Office have recently sent out forms in order to evaluate the level of business rates that must be paid on wind turbines. The forms need to be completed and returned within 56 days of the date on the letter. 
In some instances the reminder letter has been received before the actual form due to a mistake by the mailing company. Nonetheless, if you have received a letter you will be required to return the form.
It is a 10 page document which needs completing, however we have contacted the Valuations Office directly and have received a simplified 1 page spreadsheet specifically for wind turbines which can be downloaded from the below link and returned by email to specialist.rating@voa.gsi.gov.uk. This should make returning all the required information a much simpler process. This can be downloaded by clicking the link below:

Wind Electronic Form of Return- MASTER
Please note the bottom section of the form only applies to turbines that were installed within the last 3 years.

It is best practice that an accountant completes the revenue and expenditure sections.